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MA Software Application

We guarantee our products with a 30 day money back return policy. If you are not satisfied within the first 30 days following your purchase, you may return the software for a full refund, no questions asked. We can not guarantee that the USCG won't suddely change their question banks. They have done this in the past and it takes time to rebuild the question banks from customer feedback when this happens. We continue to create new questions based off the feedback from test takers.

We have less question by design. We are very active in producing question banks that are specific to each license. We remove questions due to customer feedback from exams, double questions, subjects that are not relevant to specific licenses, and obsolete questions.

Yes, the question bank includes all known relevant USCG questions from the new regulation exams. The questions include all of the new regulation questions released by the USCG, all of the sample questions that have been released by the USCG, and questions we created based off user feedback since the USCG no longer releases the question banks. Feedback from test takers is the primary method we use currently to create new questions.

Yes, and we are adding more with each update.

On engineering licenses, most of the math problems and formulas have been explained along with pump formulas, micrometers, Vernier calibers, Ohms law problems and electrical formulas, ect. For the illustrations we are labeling the components in the explanations and linking all of the known questions with each illustration.

On deck licenses, all terrestrial navigation problems, deck general problems that require steps or math formulas, and deck cargo stability problems have step by step written instructions including labeled diagrams, highlighted and scanned tables from publications, and completed and labeled maneuvering boards when applicable. All ROR questions are linked to the rule in the ROR book and safety is linked to the Marine Safety manual. Chart plotting instructional videos are provided, including: introduction to publications, introduction to chart tools, introduction to nautical charts, introduction to maneuvering boards, introduction to relevant chart plot problems, and complete USCG plots (as a student would see on their actual USCG exam.

Although stability questions and celestial questions are on the flash drive, we have explanations for those two subjects as paperback books available on the website.

Go to the mariner advancement website and the update button is at the top of the web page. The update page will show the list of all past updates and the date of the update. Follow the directions, you can call if you need assistance. The question bank update is always at the end of January. Throughout the year I will post smaller updates that add new illustrations and explanations.

Everyone has a preferred method of study. The application can create tests by subtopic, by random question, by text search, by illustration search, by speech synthesizer, and by questions previously tagged by the user.

In subjects that require a step by step process to solve the problem, like terrestrial navigation, it's recommended to study by subtopic to start. In the subtopic menu, you can create tests on just one subtopic, for example, compass correction problems. This is a better process to learn the steps to solve each type of problem rather than questions randomly appearing in a random practice test. Once you have completed all of the subtopics, then take a random test to score your progress.

In some subjects that are mostly memorization, like rules of the road, you may want to read through all of the questions before testing. You can set the option to only show the correct answer and read through all of the questions before testing yourself.

Some subjects also have a pdf included in the resources folder that you should read, for example Rules of the Road in the resources folder.

On USCG exams that requires a 70% passing score we recommend you study the software until you are scoring 90%. On USCG exams that requires a 90% passing score we recommend you study the software until you are scoring 95% or higher.

No, the application does not shut down. Your free updates will end after one year from purchase but the application does not lock you out.

USCG License Requirements

First, determine the license or rating you wish to obtain by reviewing the qualification checklists in the next section below. If you wish to work a specific vessel check with the vessel's owner for the manning requirements.

Next, Obtain a TWIC card (Transportation Worker's Identification Credential). Be sure to list your occupation as a Merchant Mariner.

Next, contact the NMC 1 (888) 427 5662 or visit their website for an application package. The application package you submit for evaluation will vary depending on each mariner's unique situation. Application packages typically include the application form for the merchant mariner credential, the application for the medical certificate, a periodic drug testing form, a sea service letter, training course certifications if applicable, receipt for the evaluation fee that you paid for online, a photocopy of your TWIC card and may include other forms depending on your unique situation.

Pay the evaluation fees at fees https://www.pay.gov and print the receipt to include in the application package.

Then, make personal copies of all documents to keep for your records. Do not skip this step. If the application is lost in the mail you will have to start the process over.

Finally, submit all forms, photo copies and supporting documentation to an (REC) Regional Exam Center via email or an appointment.

After the REC accepts your application, they will send your application to the (NMC) National Maritime Center in Martinsburg, West Virginia and an evaluator will be assigned to you. If approved to test, the NMC will mail you an Approval to Test letter (ATT) which will list all exam modules needed to pass to obtain the license. Your approval to test letter is valid for one year.

Make an appointment with your REC when you are prepared to take the exams, bring the approval to test letter with you. Once all of the exams are successfully passed, the NMC will ship an original issue license to you.

This USCG PDF lists the exams, number of questions, and passing scores required for each license and rating - Deck and Engineering Exam Guide (new regulations).

This is a general overview of exam administration, but our experience is RECs rules may vary slightly from others, so if you have any specific questions or concerns, we recommend you contact the REC directly via email prior to testing.

The NMC recommends that applicants make appointments for all exams. The examination fee must be paid prior to testing. An applicant must complete all exam modules by testing on consecutive days. The REC is permitted to extend the examination testing to up to 24-hours for a mariner who is faced with an emergency, also mariners who are faced with a closure of an REC will be afforded the opportunity to extend their testing by one day for each day the REC is closed. An applicant may attempt as many modules as can be completed within the normal working hours of the examination room, provided a minimum of TWO modules are completed per day, with three and a half hours allowed for each module.

Administration of modules is to be in the order chosen by the applicant at the time the appointment to test was made. If no order is chosen, then the administration of the exams will be made in the order listed in the Examination Structure Sheets (ESS). Where the ESS indicates two Engineering Modules labeled as Part I and Part II, they are to be graded individually and not to be considered as one module.

All of the modules comprising an exam must be completed before beginning retakes of any failed modules. Applicants for any officer or rating endorsement should not be stopped from testing even if they fail one or two modules. If an applicant for an unlimited officer endorsement fails three modules at any time during the examination, the candidate is NOT to be permitted to continue testing on any ensuing module for that testing series.

For engineering exams, illustrations will be provided at the back of each exam module booklet. No other reference materials are permitted. Only non-programmable calculators are permitted.

For deck exams, the following reference material is provided at the REC. Most of these publications are located on the Mariner Advancement flash drive as digital copies (PDF) in the resources folder. The CFRs are now available online at www.ecfr.gov. The training charts are available from the Mariner Advancement's website as paper charts. Only non-programmable calculators are permitted.

  • Chart 12221TR Chesapeake Bay (Training)
  • Chart 12354TR Long Island Sound (Training
  • Chart 13205TR Block Island Sound (Training)
  • Great Circle Tracking Chart WOXZC5270
  • Great Circle Tracking Chart WOXZC5274
  • Publication No. 102 International Code of Signals
  • Light List Volume V Mississippi River System (recent edition)
  • Maneuvering Board WOBZP 5090
  • Plotting Sheet VPO SX001 Universal
  • Plotting Sheet WOBZP 923 (17° – 24°)
  • Plotting Sheet WOBZP 924 (23° – 30°)
  • Publication No. 229 – Volume 2, Latitudes 15° – 30°
  • Publication No. 117 – Radio Navigational Aids
  • Operating Manual DEEP DRILLER (MODU exams)
  • Operating Manual COASTAL DRILLER (MODU exams)
  • Stability Data Reference Book
  • Manual for loading the M/V GRAND HAVEN (Great Lakes exams)
  • Reprints from the Light Lists and Coast Pilots
  • Reprints from the Tide Tables and Tidal Current Tables
  • The American Practical Navigator, Volume II – 1981 Edition (Bowditch) HO PUB No.9 Training Nautical Almanac
  • 33 CFR Parts 1 to 124
  • 46 CFR Parts 90 to 139
  • 33 CFR Parts 125 to 199
  • 46 CFR Parts 140 to 159
  • 46 CFR Parts 1 to 40
  • 46 CFR Parts 156 to 165
  • 46 CFR Parts 41 to 69
  • 46 CFR Parts 166 to 199
  • 46 CFR Parts 70 to 89
  • 49 CFR Parts 100 to 185

Approval to Test Letters (ATT) are valid for one year from the date of issuance. All exam requirements must be met within this year. Once the ATT letter expires a new application must be submitted. Any exam scores from prior exam cycles will NOT be carried over once an ATT letter expires. Once an applicant takes the first exam within this year, a three month testing window starts in which the applicant must complete all exams.

If an applicant for an upper level officer endorsement fails three or more sections, a complete re-examination must be administered. On the subsequent exam, if the applicant again fails three or more sections, there is a three month waiting period before the applicant can attempt the examination again.

If an applicant fails only one or two sections of an examination, the applicant may be retested twice on each failed section during the three month testing window. In other words you will be given three total attempts to pass a failed section.

If the applicant does not successfully complete each failed section within the three month testing window, a complete examination must be administered after a three month waiting period. The three month testing window may be extended if the applicant presents discharges documenting sea time which prevented the taking of a retest during the three month testing window.

The scheduling of examinations for lower level officer endorsement will be at the discretion of the REC. In the event of a failure, the applicant may be retested twice whenever the examination can be rescheduled. The applicant must be examined in all of the unsatisfactory sections of the preceding examination. If the applicant does not successfully complete all parts of the examination during the three month testing window, a complete reexamination must be taken after waiting period of at least two months from the date of the last retest.

Upon application for a rating endorsement, any required examination will be given as soon as practicable. An applicant for a rating endorsement who has been duly examined and refused a certificate by the Coast Guard may come before the Coast Guard for reexamination at any time after the date of the initial examination. The Coast Guard sets the time of reexamination based on the applicant's performance on the initial examination. However, the maximum waiting period after the initial failure will be 30 days, and the maximum waiting period after a second or subsequent failure will be 90 days.

An applicant who has been examined and refused a certificate by the Coast Guard may not again make application for examination until 30 days after the applicant's last failure of an examination or reexamination.

RECs pre-screen application packages prior to sending them to the NMC for evaluation. RECs also administer the exams. Below is a list of all RECs. Most RECs do not list a direct phone number and display the NMC number instead of a direct line 888 427 5662. The exception is Honolulu,HI 808-522-8274 and Juneau, AK 907 463-2458. Most prefer the applicant to correspond via email.

REC Email Address
Anchorage, Alaska RECANC@uscg.mil
Baltimore, Maryland RECBALTIMORE@uscg.mil
Boston, MA RECBOSTON@uscg.mil
Charleston, SC RECCHA@uscg.mil
Honolulu, Hawaii RECHONOLULU@uscg.mil
Houston, Texas RECHOUSTON@uscg.mil
Juneau, AK RECJUN@uscg.mil
Ketchikan, Alaska Not Available
Long Beach, California RECLB@uscg.mil
Memphis, Tennessee RECMEMPHIS@uscg.mil
Miami, FL RECMIA@uscg.mil
New Orleans, LA RECNOLA@uscg.mil
New York, NY RECNY@uscg.mil
Oakland, California RECOAKLAND@uscg.mil
Portland, Oregon RECPORTLAND@uscg.mil
Seattle, Washington RECSEATTLE@uscg.mil
St. Louis, Missouri RECSTL@uscg.mil
San Juan, Puerto Rico (MU) RECMIA@uscg.mil
Santa Rita, Guam Not Available
Toledo, Ohio RECTOL@uscg.mil