We update our software often, typically once a quarter. Updates include changes and additions to question banks, illustrations, and written explanations. Updates do not include videos, or pdf books. Software updates are provided as free downloads for one year from your purchase date. If you want to know the status of our updates and what we are currently working on, visit this page and see the history of our updates below.
July 2024 - Added 39 new Motors questions, 20 new general questions, and updated some of the general illustrations.
June 2024 - Added Gas Turbine, motors, general, electrical, and safety questions along with new illustrations and explanations.
Mar 2024 - Added new Gas Turbine questions from user feedback to: 3rd Asst.
Mar 2024 - Added questions to Deck Gen, Nav Gen, Safety, removed duplicates and added chart plot questions.
Jan 2024 - Added new Motors questions from user feedback to: 3rd Asst. Engineer and DDE
Oct 2023 - Added new questions from user feedback and 2023 sample exams to: 3rd Asst. Engineer, DDE, Chief Limited and 1st Asst / Chief Unlimited
Aug 2023 - Added the following explanations to Nav General: Navigation General (NC) Introduction, Compass Points, Hurricane Aversion Calculation, Navigation Aids - Cardinal Marks, Navigation Aids - IALA Region B, US Light List - Geographic Range, US Light List - Luminous Range, Vessel Intercept. Added Mercator sailing and azimuth Polaris explanation to NPNC. Updated and improved quality of all USCG illustrations, added chart plot questions.
Nov 2022 - Added new questions to Motors, General, and Gas Turbine for all DDE, Assistants, and chief licenses.
July 2022 - Added new questions to AB Lifeboatman.
May 2022 - Added new questions to nav gen near coastal, nav gen oceans, stability, and nav problems oceans to Master and Chief Mate Unl, Master 500-1600 GRT, and Mate 500-1600 and 3rd-2nd Mate.
April 2022 - Linked all known illustration questions to each illustration explanation for motors, general and electrical.
Dec 2021 - Added questions to Chief motors, electrical and general. Added sample questions from 2021 release.
Nov 2021 - Added questions to DDE 3rd and 2nd Asst. motors, electrical and general. Added sample questions from 2021 release.
Oct 2021 - Added an electrical section to QMED oiler. Feedback has indicated a slight increase in electrical questions on batteries, distribution Systems, electrical motors, safety, generators, and tools on module 805, so we added 260 electrical questions related to these electrical subtopics.
Sept 2021 - Added new questions (500/1600 GRT, 3rd mate to Master Unlimited) to deck general for cargo stability due to feedback from exam takers. Added cargo stability explanations.
April 2021 - Added new illustrations and edited illustrations for clarity on all engineering licenses
Feb 2021 - We have had feedback from students that some stabilty questions are showing up on the deck general exams for 500 GRT and up, so we added these questions to the deck gen section. We added 125 pages of explanations for various deck general questions and will be adding more in a few months for the stabiity questions we just added. Oct 2020 - Added new USCG questions to all deck licenses. Subjects modified were deck general, Safety, and Rules of the road versions 6.5 and 7.0. Removed over 100 doubles and/or simillary worded questions from each deck gen and safety, so the question banks may appear smaller but actually have up to 75 new questions in deck general, 85 in safety and 12 new questions in Rules of the road. You can navigate to the subtopic menu, select the dropdown box for one of the subjects above, and select "Newly Added Questions" to view them. Also, we updated all Engineering flash drives with new questions in all subjects, and a few more new motors drawings were added. We also added about a dozen more missing illustration questions which you can find those drawings on the current sample exams posted on the USCG website www.uscg.mil/nmc, select examinations and then scroll to the bottom of the screen and select Sample Exams. Dec 2019 - Added USCG questions to versions 6.0 and 6.5 QMED, ENG (3rd 2nd Asst DDE) and Chief. Added several hundred questions in total to general, motors, steam, gas, and electrical. Dec 2019 - Added USCG questions to versions 6.0 and 6.5 QMED, ENG (3rd 2nd Asst DDE) and Chief. Added several hundred questions in total to general, motors, steam, gas, and electrical. Oct 2019 - Added explanations and notes for all electrical and electronic illustrations to all engineering licenses 6.0 and 6.5 that have an electrical section. July 2019 - Several explanations, USCG questions, and new illustrations were added to the electircal and the motors sections. June 2019 - We added explanations for all tide and current subtopics in the near coastal navigation problem section. This completes the terrestrial explanations for a total of 510 pages of explanations for this section. Nov 2018 -We updated all 6.0 deck licenses. There were no new questions or illustrations added. We added more explanations to near coastal navigation problems, completed matching each rules of the road question to the page in the ROR book, sorted celestial navigation problems by subtopic, sorted safety by subtopic, and sorted Rules of the Road by subtopic. July 2018 - We have updated the Eng (3rd 2nd Assistant Engineer and DDE) and Chief versions 5.2 and 6.0 to include additional diesel electric questions, gas turbine questions, and additional diesel motors questions. In addition we have added auxiliary boiler questions to the motors section of Eng (3rd 2nd Assistant Engineer and DDE) versions 5.2 and 6.0. These additions amounted to 98 new questions on the Chief licenses and 257 additional questions on the DDE, 3rd 2nd Asst. Eng licenses. Feb 2018 - We have updated MA Qmed JR Eng 5.2, MA Eng 5.2 (3rd 2nd DDE), and MA Chief 5.2 - Received permission from Pearson Publishing and Cornell Maritime Press publishers to add new illustrations and approximately 50 questions on each license. Nov 2017 - We have updated Qmed Oiler, Qmed Jr Eng, DDE, and 3rd and 2nd Asst. Eng Unl 5.2 - New questions in all sections and addition of several new illustrations. Oct 2017 - We have added update files for 1st Assistant and Chief Unlimited and Chief Limited 5.2 - 64 new questions added to electrical, 119 new questions in gas turbine, 81 new questions added in general, 50 new questions added in missing illustrations, 63 questions added in motors, 52 questions added in safety, and 41 questions added in steam, for a total of 470 new questions. We also added 7 new illustrations. April 2017 - We have added update files for version 5.2 but currently these updates contain no new questions or illustrations. The user only needs to perform this update if they accidentally erased a file from the flash drive and they need to reset the drive. Feb 2017 - Completed new regulations (version 5.2) for Master and Mate licenses 500 GRT to Unlimited GRTl March 2015 - Updated all Captain's software illustrations and datum cards, made several question updates to Eng license questions and illustrations. Nov 2015 - Qmed Oiler 5.0, Qmed Jr Eng 5.0, Chief 5.0, Eng 5.0 (DDE, 3rd, 2nd) Updated all subjects with new questions, updated all newly available illustrations, all links, and added Gas Turbines (only necessary if you are sitting for a gas turbine license.) Oct 2015 - There have been significant changes to Rules of the Road. There are approximately 140 new questions added and slightly less removed for a new total of 1030 questions. We added all of the new versions of the illustrations as well. This update is available for all deck exam prep from 4.0 and up. See links at the top of this page. Aug 2015 - The USCG has released 40 more electrical illustrations. We have added approximately 250 questions to the DDE electrical and added external links to missing illustrations. We have added approximately 400 questions to Chief Limited, 3rd 2nd Asst. Eng, and Chief Unlimited with external links to missing electrical diagrams. April 2015 - The USCG has released 40 more electrical illustrations. Unfortunately they are copyrighted; therefore, we are unable to reproduce them without permission. We are in the process of seeking permission to reproduce the illustrations. March 2015 - Updated Deck General section on the 500/1600/3rd/2nd Mate 4.0 and 4.1. Jan 2015 - Repaired missing spaces in Rules of the Road questions. Repaired screen flicker on illustration. Added 160 safety questions to all engineer licenses. Added logic circuit questions to the DDE in response to test taker input. Oct 2014 - Completed the new Rules of the Road. There were 47 new questions and about 100 of the old questions removed. The remaining questions were the same or worded slightly different. Sept 2014 - Completed explanations to most of the math problems in the general engineering sections and the motors sections. Added approximately 30 new refrigeration questions with diagrams to general engineering. July 2014 - Added 150 new math explanations to the general section including API, area of a disk, area of a circle, ballast to gallons, boiler gage, circle diameter, units of measure conversions, length of a curved pipe, efficiency, fuel speed and distance, gear ratios, hp to torque, lathe formula, specific gravity, steering rams, metric conversions, TPI immersion and draft, wheel slip and others. May 2014 - We have finished referencing all of the rules of the road questions to the actual rule in the ROR book. We made the following changes to all license prep 500GRT and above. We updated the terrestrial and navigation general questions, updated the safety section and reduced the Master Unl down to one safety section, we created a new stability section. These updates are available online for versions 3.0 and 4.0. March 2014 - Reduced load time of illustration and explanation preview screens on all version 4.0 drives. Feb 2014 - update includes entire rewrite of electrical and new USCG electrical diagrams on all relevant engineering drives. Jan 2014 - We have completed updating the reference material on all the deck licenses. You can find some of the new pdfs available for download at the bottom of this page. Jan 2014 - We have completed the 4.0 version which includes a speech synthesizer. The speech synthesizer was requested by one of our customers due to his dyslexic son having difficulty reading. We have also linked over 800 rules of the road questions to the actual rule page in the "Rules of the Road" book for the new 4.0 version. Oct 2013 - Created all new general sections for all engineering disks. There are significant changes in all licenses. Over 800 questions removed from the Engineer Unlimited , over 1000 questions added to the DDE, and over 700 questions added to the 3rd and 2nd and Chief Limited. Aug 2013 - Repaired a bug in Flashing Light that would cause an error on some machines. Aug 2013 - Added a new section to the 1stAsst Eng / Chief Unlimited to include all of the new electrical questions which do not have illustrations. We are still waiting on the USCG to release the illustrations. Until they do, we went ahead and made this section so you can at least preview the questions before testing. July 2013 - Added a new section to the 3rd & 2nd Asst Eng Unlimited to include all of the new electrical questions which do not have illustrations. We are still waiting on the USCG to release these. Until they do, we went ahead and made this section so you can at least preview the questions before testing. June 2013 - Added a new section, "Navigation Problems", to the Chief Mate/Master Unlimited. April 1 2013 - Updated all 600 of the GMDSS questions for element 7. Dec 28 2012 - Updated all deck licenses to correct three Rules of the Road question errors. Dec 03 2012 - Completed the remaining deck license navigation chart questions updates. Nov 13 2012 - Updated Rules of the Road in all deck licenses to reflect changes in newly released U.S.C.G. question list. Updated Chesapeake Bay charts on all affected deck licenses with new question list and new deviation cards. Nov 10 2012 - Added over 500 new electrical questions, from the new coast guard question list released last week, on the Standard 2.3 Chief ENG UNL, DDE unlimited, Chief Limited, and 3rd Asst. Nov 7 2012 - Added several hundred new questions to the QMED general section and removed all of the double questions in this section. Oct 15 2012 - Added over 500 new electrical questions, from the new coast guard question list released last week, on the Premium 2.3 Chief ENG UNL, DDE unlimited, Chief Limited, and 3rd Asst. Oct 11 2012 - Added over 500 new electrical questions, from the new coast guard question list released last week, on the Standard 3.0 DDE, Chief limited, 3rd Asst, and 1st & Chief UNL. Oct 10 2012 - Added over 500 new electrical questions, from the new coast guard question list released last week, on the Premium 3.0 DDE, Chief limited, 3rd Asst, and 1st & Chief UNL. Sept 1 2012 - Update Captain Unlimited 2.3 and 3.0 Illustrations Aug 1 2012 - Updated the explanations for all engineer licenses. Added links to approximately 200 more questions in the Motors section all related to illustrations. April 1 2012 - Update created for QMED 2.3 and 3.0 based on input from a test taker we added 32 CFR questions to the QMED study material April 2012 - Update all engineer license exams to include 157 new questions based on diesel electric and PLC questions. We still do not have the PLC illustrations because the USCG has yet to release these to the public.